News Uruguay.

TaTa S.A. receives disbursement from BID Invest to promote retail trade in Uruguay

This investment will be used to enhance local users’ shopping experience, store remodelling, among other improvements.

TaTa S.A. announced they will receive US$10 MM—of a US$20 MM credit line—from BID Invest, resulting from an agreement on a long-term loan signed in 2021 to support retail trade growth; thus, generating employment in Uruguay. These US$10MM will be used to finance investments planned for the year 2024. This strategic action allows TaTa S.A. to move forward with determination in the execution of its 2023-2025 Strategic Plan, which includes the continued remodelling of stores and the opening of new stores. “This agreement with BID Invest strengthens our firm decision to keep on improving our customers' experience and consolidating our market positioning”, said Magdalena Mutio, TaTa S.A. CEO. “We are eager to move ahead with our plan to bring an ever-improving quality proposition to our communities across the country.” As a result of price reduction in Argentina, TaTa S.A. made significant progress in its “TaTa Experience” Strategic Plan, which is focused on enhancing customer experience and upgrading their store infrastructure through refurbishing. In this context and despite difficulties, TaTa S.A. achieved a growth in its EBITDA. Although sales decreased a 3% in comparison with the previous year, thanks to the efforts in expense management and other initiatives, EBIDTA grew by 18%. This growth contributed to a reduction of the company's net indebtedness level and the fulfilment of all financial engagements assumed. Remodelled stores experienced a double-digit growth in performance. These refurbishments included full rebranding, layout change, expansion of the fresh and refrigerated products’ proposal, as well as wider interior spaces, and a focus on improving the customer experience. “This comprehensive approach to store modernisation has proven instrumental in driving the brand's growth and strengthening its historical connection with customers across the country”, added Magdalena Mutio. After a reduction in the exchange rate gap between Uruguay and Argentina since December 2023, a consumption recovery in the border areas and an increase in TaTa S.A. sales have been observed. This positive trend provides growth perspectives for 2024 and achievement of financial ratios, the company informed. In addition, TaTa S.A. financial reinforcement is expected through the contribution of San Roque S.A. shares in the second quarter of 2024. This transaction will certainly strengthen synergies between both companies.